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Place-Based Media: What Are The Main Advantages Of This Advertising Tool?

Out-of-home advertising has become a part of our daily life, reaching people almost everywhere, in a wide variety of media formats. Stepping outside our homes, we’re exposed to ads immediately, but not only on the roadside billboards and other street monitors but while we’re spending time in café, waiting in the clinics, shopping in the mall, or walking through the supermarkets. This is why place-based advertising is the perfect medium for connecting with active and on-the-go customers, running their daily activities. Here we will explain the major benefits of place-based media and why you should consider it for your marketing strategy.

What is Place-Based Media?

Place-based media is the form of outdoor advertising that can be found in special locations and reach various types of audiences throughout their daily journeys. Most of the time, digital screens are used for placed-based advertising, making this media format more valuable for the advertising industry, shifting towards digitalization.

What Are the Benefits of Place-Based Advertising?

There are numerous reasons why place-based media is so widely popular among advertisers.

Reaching More Captive Audience

In waiting zones of venues with high dwell-time, like clinics or airports, people experience a lack of communication and constantly look for a way to pass the time. This type of environment allows brands to create engaging interaction with their audience by delivering creative and meaningful messages.

As they see your ad multiple times during the period spent in this specific venue, the chances that they would remember your message or act immediately are huge.

Contextually Relevant Advertising

Advertisers can now better tailor their communications based on relevant environments to target specific groups of customers. For example, brands specializing in nutritional supplements production can raise awareness about their products in pharmacies, gyms, or clinics, to target people who care about well-being. Or also reach occasional shoppers in highly-traffic places, like supermarkets, customizing their advertising messages to be more engaging and relevant.

Digital Place-Based Media Drives Action

According to a study conducted by Nielsen, viewers take certain actions after seeing digital place-based ad, like searching for an advertiser or visiting their website, social media account, store, or restaurant. Statistics show that 45% of viewers noticed digital place-based ads that gave direction to the business, 70% of viewers immediately visited a business after seeing digital place-based ad, and 89% made a purchase after visiting the business.

Influencing Customers During Their Shopping Journey

Digital place-based media screens can be located near the point of purchase to reach shoppers when they are in the process of making final buying decisions in real-time. As more than half of shoppers are influenced by in-store promotions, brands can communicate near these strategic locations to significantly increase sales and brand awareness. Overall, place-based media is a very effective advertising tool, that allows us to capture the audience’s attention in places they visit most of their time during their day. By adding it to your marketing strategy, you will be able to reach various types of desired target demographics at the exact right places.

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